Nature's Plus FRUITEIN BAN/ORG 1.4lbs | Vegetarian Protein Blend
Banana Orange Crème Fruitein is an all-natural vegetarian blend of complete protein and complex carbohydrates. In addition to providing 100% of the Daily Values for all vitamins and most minerals, each delicious glass of Fruitein supplies a complete profile of enzymes in a highly nutritious whole food and herbal base, including spirulina, Korean ginseng, Spanish bee pollen, young barley leaves, oat bran, pineapple, papaya, and a variety of other fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs.
- Vegetarian
Add one measuring scoop to 6 fl oz of water and mix in blender or shake until smooth. For those who prefer a thicker, richer shake, Fruitein may also be mixed with 8 fl oz of milk. For best results, water or milk should be very cold.